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turn out意思
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  • 使向外弯曲,关上,制造,驱逐,解雇,结果(是)
  1. be shown or be found to be;

    "She proved to be right"
    "The medicine turned out to save her life"
    "She turned up HIV positive"

  2. prove to be in the result or end;

    "It turns out that he was right"

  3. produce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery;

    "This factory turns out saws"

  4. result or end;

    "How will the game turn out?"

  5. come, usually in answer to an invitation or summons;

    "How many people turned out that evening?"

  6. bring forth,

    "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"
    "The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers"

  7. put out or expel from a place;

    "The unruly student was excluded from the game"

  8. come and gather for a public event;

    "Hundreds of thousands turned out for the anti-war rally in New York"

  9. outfit or equip, as with accessories;

    "The actors were turned out lavishly"

  10. turn outward;

    "These birds can splay out their toes"
    "ballet dancers can rotate their legs out by 90 degrees"

  11. cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch;

    "Turn off the stereo, please"
    "cut the engine"
    "turn out the lights"

  12. get up and out of bed;

    "I get up at 7 A.M. every day"
    "They rose early"
    "He uprose at night"

If somethingturns out a particular way, it happens in that way or has the result or degree of success indicated.

e.g. If I had known my life was going toturnout like this, I would have let them kill me...
e.g. Sometimes things don'tturnout the way we think they're going to...

When you are commenting on pleasant weather, you can say that it hasturned out nice or fine, especially if this is unexpected.

e.g. It's turnedout nice again.

If somethingturns out to be a particular thing, it is discovered to be that thing.

e.g. Cosgrave's forecast turnedout to be quite wrong...
e.g. It turnedout that I knew the person who got shot.

When youturn out something such as a light or gas, you move the switch or knob that controls it so that it stops giving out light or heat.

e.g. I'll just play until the janitor comes round toturn the lightsout.

If a business or other organizationturns out something, it produces it.

e.g. They have been turningout great blades for 400 years.
他们生产优质刀片已经有 400 年历史了。

If youturn someoneout of a place, especially the place where they have been living, you force them to leave that place.

e.g. Surely nobody would suggest turning himout of the house...
e.g. They wereturnedout of the hotel…

If youturn out the contents of a container, you empty it by removing them or letting them fall out.

e.g. Turnout the dough on to a floured surface...
e.g. Turn the plantsout of their pots.

If peopleturn out for a particular event or activity, they go and take part in it or watch it.

e.g. Thousands of people turnedout for the funeral...
e.g. It was no wonder the fans turnedout. The matches yielded 259 goals.
怪不得球迷们蜂拥而至来观看比赛。这些比赛共产生了 259 粒进球。

9. see also: turnout;turned out

1. 结果是:turn on 接通、打开 |turnout 结果是 |turn over 翻过来、转移、转交

2. 生产:Racial intolerance 种族偏执 |Turnout 生产 |Turn up with sb 出现

3. turn out在线翻译

3. 制造:all of the sudden 突然 |turnout 制造 | intestine 肠子


4. 生产;驱逐;翻转:turn one's back on 不理睬 |turnout 生产;驱逐;翻转 |turn over (机器等)运转;翻过来

"turn out"的基本信息





